Saturday, December 04, 2004

Lion Hearts!

The Lion in my chest digs deep into my soul.
The Lion is my heart and it beats out of control.

I found my love and I love my art, yet the source of my joy has
torn my life apart. Work hard = hardly living. But living at work no one envies.

This Lion is my love for music, animation and movies. My soul screams for freedom, religion mixed with ecstasy, (the feeling not the drug). Freedom of oppression, responsibility and debt, yet the white rover has me feeling better than I have ever felt no doubt the secret is best kept. Rolling with faith not vision.

The Lion in my chest digs deep into my soul.
The Lion is my heart and it beats out of control.

I ramble on and on, till my teeth start to chatter. Items have me vexed because of the mindless music and worthless excuses that are meaningless without work. Aren't the fortunate the ones who build monuments of nothingness? While those who struggle become Scattered, smothered and covered...working for 7.oo and hour. Whistle while you twerk, curse out the jerk, rockin' gold teeth and seafood platters. I am a Lion and these folks are cheetahs or are they alley cats. Oh my God, tell me am I on the fence of poverty and oppression or am I on the outside looking in at a FEMA experiment. Wise up. Straighten up and fly right into the night with wings of a dove, drug free like Barry B. or is he. Clean and Cream suggest that we live a fallacy. Struggle in life becomes misery. But, soulless identity is not me. Can't you see, I want it all for me and my unplanned family...this is my ecstasy. Not the sexual exploitation of the females exhale but the expression of Love between male and female. This beat is deep. But the mind rarely sleeps. Dreaming of a jungle that is filled with concrete.

The Lion in my chest digs deep into my soul.
The Lion is my heart and it beats out of control.

This is not a test. Live and uncovered rated M for Molestation. Evil invades our streets entertainment and erogenous zones. The world is not ready for a witness. Platelets of states enjoy life as victims is what the govt suggests. Slavery continues Mental, Physical and Sexual...Education becomes second best. Meanwhile we swipe our slave badges of salary in the hopes to achieve the American Dream. or is it a Nightmare:

The night slipped deep into the darkness, the closed doors slowly opened, exposing a child sleeping a silent bliss. The fog crept over the bed of woven delights invading the sweet odor and enveloped the room with the stale stench of evil. Alcoholic abuse exhales cigarette clouds of demons, Angelic armies attack. The battle was in the mind of the beast, while the child slept innocent to the many victories and defeats. Oh the cries of the heavens and the cheers of sulfur. The chime of the harps and horns brought forth the Lion of Judah. Victory is ours...But that was the dream of the adult...the child dreamt of cotton jeans and pleasant smiles. When she awoke, her bed was filled with red feathers.
The feathers of the fallen angels both evil and angelic.

The Lion in my chest digs deep into my soul.
The Lion is my heart and it beats out of control.

Life is not short it moves on. The Lion Hearted must continue to stay strong. Be not afraid to conquer new lands, ideas or strange state of affairs. For the Angles roll into evil territories and their memories are never turned into mini-series. They are just bad ideas or strange urges. Bend back, or like Joe, lean back close your eyes and thank the squadron of angelic wisdom. Let the Lion become your voice, your heart and your soul.

The Lion in your chest now has control. Iron, Lion, Zion...Trinities soul patrol.

Remix this and you will see the true potential.
Read it once and fall victim to the demise of your predatory sense.

En Faith.


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