Friday, November 19, 2004

Condo-leez-ay! in tha White heaz-ay fo cheez-ay!

Alright, so the "eeezay's" and the "izzel's" have reached their expiration date. But I had to use it to help drive my point home. IF George Bush gets his way, we will have an African American woman as the Secretary of State. Now this isn't a small detail. Do you realize that if "W" dies on an oil rig explosion and Haliburton's finest takes and "L" during a midnight Wendy's binge...that we would have the first Female and African American president all at the same time? Whoa! There is no wonder that Bush passed the Automatic Weapons bill prior to winning the election. If you thought Bush wasn't visiting the NAACP before, you can count on one hand the number of times he will hit the Ghetto in 2005-8.

Chicago's own FOI are currently working on their own to take out the W and replace the Texan with Rice. For the record, I personally have no association with any presidential death threat or National Security breech...So, don't come looking for me FEMA/FBI. But, I do think that the potential is cool. Just think, A sistah running the govt. Scratch that A republican sistah running the govt. Oh, the budget would be reached, every dead beat dad would be working on the Highway chain-gang, and AIDS would be as harmless as herpes. Steely Dan's What a Wonderful world would be our Global Anthem. World leaders would rename her from: Uncle Ben's Wild Rice to Rice-A-Phony the tempermental treat. It is an old Mason oath, neverr fuck around with a Black woman's anger. Just look at how "Leezay" handled herself during the 911 hearings. The entire country was impressed with her calming professional tone. Come on, that was how ALL sistahs handle themselves when faced with unwarranted drama. But, you all know that The minute she would hit office a sex tape of her and R. Kelly would surface and she would be stripped of her title faster than Vanessa Williams. In fact, by the time she would be sworn in as the Interim-President, all of Washington would be in search of "Coni's" past. Every ticket, bad grade, sexual murmur would all surface and topple all of the Watergate/White Water trial records. But of course the next in line would be a Mexican-American man. "La-RAZA!"

en peace


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