Saturday, November 13, 2004

A Conversation with Carl pt 2...

Carl what makes you a such a liberal Democrat? Living down south has its get a chance to see the country from a different perspective. You can actually find Republicans who care about the global community and not just the almighty dollar. In fact, Many African Americans chose to become Republicans due to the Filthy, Sleezy, Democrats who take advantage of the poor black underclass men and women. Which makes me wonder...Why do African Americans side with the Party that failed to deliver us from slavery, and continues to put on their tap shoes and dance with us whenever election time comes around. Kerry/Edwards ticket lost and now democrats are leaving the ghetto in shambles. Kerry/Edwards signs now litter the streets just like old Hip Hop LP Posters. The renovated campaign headquarters are now abandoned buildings of failed hope. After this election they should have stuck around to help dry our eyes. Now we sit in our ghetto fubulous projects waiting for another blue-eyed savior. Democratic voting has been my choice for 5 elections. In fact I voted for KERRY this year. Yet, somehow post-Clinton lifestyle has turned into a dog-eat-dog society. Ask yourself...who cares about the African American vote? Lets look at the numbers...All of your blue states had heavy AA voters. We turned out in large numbers. Yet our southern AA voters in the Red States...our Truck Driving/Chicken Ranchero's and Agriculturalists...voted for Bush. Why? Because they know how to make money. The Democratic ticket rarely stopped in Rural America. The small town matters. Death tolls from Iraq matter in Small towns...yet Taxation matters so much more. African Americans need to find a leader quick. One who can assemble the culture and do more than ask us to Vote or Die...obviously we aren't dead...or are we 3 ft high on the totem pole? (Just ask the Native Americans who sit 3 ft below us.) I better start speaking seems to me that Brown is the Republicans favorite people of color.


Blogger Carl said...

I am not a Liberal Democrat, but I am surrounded by them so I do manage to pickup a lot of their talking points. The truth is alot of the black leadership of the country is far from the black population of this country. If you want to go ahead and google ' population density by race ' or ' Geography of U.S. Diversity ' and see on the census maps all the black people who are concentrated in areas that aren't big cities. For these people who have markedly different concerns than those who live in major cities, the Black Democratic leadership is not effective. I have to say that turning to Republicans because you don't like the democrats is only going weaken whatever pull the Black vote could have. While at the same time voting for the democrats while you don't agree with their policies may actually do more harm then good. It may support an idea that the Black vote will be loyal to the democrats regardless. The truth is Black People are at a cross roads. We are half poor with no way out, half middle class and miles away. No one is rich and powerful, except Oprah. We need political leadership from some place like Atlanta, Urban and Southern, to help gain Political Power.

As far as the filthy sleezy Democrats, they at least will work for some of the things that traditionally help Black people, like Affirmative Action, School funding, Appropriate Welfare and Social Security. The Republicans will not only swing all of those things in favor of the rich, but they will also take advantage of the American Public as a whole with their slashing public policies and increase upperclass tax cuts. I hope this doesn't seem like liberal ranting about republicans, it is actually Supply-Side economics a policy that favors the rich and then trickles benefits down to the poor through our economy. We are about to dive right into this theory, without even realizing the money to be made overseas. If any of this tax break is spent on Foreign goods, building factories in China, or resort houses in Bali, then the U.S. middle class and the U.S. poor just lost out on money that could have fixed their schools, helped their children get into college, rebuilt social security, put some damn armor on the side of the damn hummers in Iraq, the list goes on. Now that all this money is in places like Trump's Combover or something, we still need to pay for some of the shit listed above, and other things. Where does the money come from? It doesn't come, we go into debt, the dollar sinks in value 20 cents over the last two months to the euro so now a Euro, which was supposed to even with the dollar, is now worth nearly 30% more than the dollar. Same thing with the Yen, same thing with the South African Rand, the dollar is losing value in reference to currencies all over the world. The dollar is worth less under the republicans. United States Notes are worth less with W's economic policy. That is the main reason I sided with the liberals this election.

November 26, 2004 at 10:21 PM  

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