Sunday, May 07, 2006


I am now 37. My birthday slowly crept by. I was hoping for the day to just slip by. Just a blur from Monday to Wednesday. But, again Big Geezy in the sky had other plans. I was to spend a restfull set of days off chillin at 826 with my to do list in one hand and my paint brush in the other. Gas prices were to high to hop on 75 and I waited to long as usual to book a flight. So, just as I stuck my hand into my pants, reclined on the couch and sipped on a brew, I get this phone call.

Did you hear? Are you serious? So soon, But wait, didnt his Dad just pass away last week?

There he goes again with his sick humor, Big Geezy, How do you want me to trust you when you deal blows so tough to those who deserve better. This brotha had 3 kids and an awesome life, why take his wife? A blur of questions hit my head. 911, foster kids, aids in africa, for that matter aids in america. Herpes viruses are now as common as a cold. I circle back...Why do we focus on AIDS as the number one killer. When we really know that it is Cancer? Geezy, answer that one. Where is Little Jesus when we need him? But I cling to your faith. I understand we don't know. All we are doing is stealing time on earth. Just waiting for the day you unlock us from these capsules and allow us to snowboard into the wind.

I steal, I deal and I can cause Death you may say.

How do I know the difference from you and his evil ways.

Show me a sign, of true life as it is in your eyes.

When you get to the end of your rope you are to tie a knot and hold on.

but in darkness how do you know when you are at the end?

Big Geezy - you need to, no betta shed some light on this picture.

Frustration has me back in the trees, for therapy and the comfort of cloudy vision.
Because everytime I see clear, I see pain.

en faith


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