Sunday, May 22, 2005

Waiting on the wings...

Waiting for the day...
Ok all you folks in blogger land. I am still waiting to hear from ESPN. No word, but it has only been 1.5 weeks. I was the first to interview and will probably be the last to hear from them. (I hope!) My current job is getting me mentally prepared for what is obviously next. Life has become a huge reflection lately. Constant reminders of laziness, gluttony and sloth. Prayer is power but I am also getting bombarded with friends who are pregant, engaged or purchasing a new home. What the heezay. I need a change. So, as a contingency plan I have decided to interview some more. If there really aren't any jobs out there then I will pimp TWC for a Masters. If I can take the BS'in for two years longer. I am in need of a structural, physical and mental makeover. Burnout from this design world approacheth, and all I do constantly is escape...and the bottle has become a new friend. Much like the weed of the past...nah, never like the weed of the past. In fact, I have been running 2miles a day...(on the days when my allergies aren't so bad.) So, on the up and up...I just need something great to come along my way. A woman, an experience and a new reflection in the mirror. But the reflection in the mirror never changes overnight...does it?

En Peace


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