Sunday, August 07, 2005


This weekend I hooked up with a few of my boys that I haven't touched base with in years. In fact it has been so long that they both have sprouted 5 new seeds betwix the two. So, the time on my hands must have been idle. While these cats were out there reproducing some pretty cute designer babies, here I am sitting around the condo worried about when I am going to fix the leaky roof. We would've taken a few "l's" to the head back in the day. But now, I just watch these brothers work the cipher without me. We went down in the dungeon, and made a few beats. Creative, yes, productive no. In fact I was so taken back at their creative process that I know now why these dudes aren't famous. The weed gets you. What the hell was I thinkin for so long. Here I am on the verge of accepting a new job, "a dream job" even...and I witness, the decay of two good men. One selling cars, another delivering pizzas and the third working the late shift unloading trucks. note that I am not putting them out there to be critical, I am actually checking myself...Let me explain.
Back at MSU I was a card carrying member of the "Cipher" a place where only true heads belong. We would blaze up and get wildly creative. I recognized Genuis in two of my Cipher companions and eventually we would all go our separate ways. The ATL is and has always been a magnet for crazy folk and friends. So, as time has moved on, The cipher has lost a few members and gained a few too...with expulsion from the cipher comes an introduction to the herbal free zone. Like a 401K you have the ability to transfer your cipher credits into alcoholism, overeating, or become a passionate church member... I guess that I have found a happy balance of alcoholism and overeating, but I am sure there are plenty more "rollover" solutions...but hey that is another story...lets break away from that tangent and move back to the point...The Genuises...we'll time moves on, yadda yadda yadda...and experience has landed two of the triangle in jail countless number of times and also into the carrer path that they have chosen. Me on the other hand...I have been in a self imposed prison. A jail cell of pitty and desireless romance. So, when I kick back with the ol' heads of the nomatic atoms/ next level ent and Buckets ent....I realized that I was in the worst position. Why? well considering the artform, the passion the energy the drive...these cats are at the brink of pushing their potential...all they need is the third person to push them, to drive them to steer them to the right path...but that was my job then and the best question it my job now? I've got so much at stake with my corporate life...4 walls "The White Man's Burden" (do a google on that one), and I want to live like a rock star. But, realistically, what it takes is a 10 year passion to do well, to put down all naysayers and negative. To live with God's plan, no matter where it takes you. To be real with your inner child and grasp that everlasting gobstopper and rock the fuck on. See the time we spend making other fuckers money is time that we could have had our own. These folks don't care. My 2 components of the cipher, my homies in the D, my cousins friends family all try to cover up the truth...but the truth will never be happy on the bottom. That is why the triangle exists...So, we chatted we talked and one of the cipher big Buckets came up with a great concept...

"the happy balance is cool, Responsiblity, Passion and Duty" Some, do their duty 85%. Some are responsible 85% but the passionate ones...are those who dedicate 35% 35% and 100% all the time. It doesn't add up...I know...and that is the mystery behind the Triangle. Ask any entertainer, any movie star any politician...somehow these folks have managed to master the art of percentages. The only problem is...what happens when your responsible duties ask for their share of the 100%? That would be the definition of Drama...

en faith.


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