You are a light that shines...
A Blue eyed soul singer named Bobby Caldwell wrote Open your Eyes in 1980. Its a song about a man who attempts to lift up his love interest asking her to open her eyes to love. Many of us live in shadows from time to time. In many cases we create our own shadows running from the bright light seeking shelter from the brilliance of our success, achievements and gifts. A quick story, the Statue of Liberty is known as the symbol of freedom in the United States, but few know that the Statue of Liberty was also a lighthouse. For 15 years the Statue of Liberty stood as a a navigational symbol and could be seen 24 miles away, welcoming immigrants and sailors into America. You've seen the statue, right arm raised, good book in the left hand, crown atop her head. It serves as a great symbol of freedom. Another image that has a similar connection to freedom features two men Tommie Smith and John Carlos. Well before I was born, these two brothers raised their arms for African American freedom and justice through a powerful, yet stunning act of protest against racial injustice.
is arguably one of the most prolific photos of peaceful protest recognized throughout the world. Somehow raising an arm to the sky symbolizes light. From the action movie hero to the modern DJ fist pump, the arm raised in the sky is powerful gesture. Football players score a touchdown, point up. When you hear your favorite song on the radio or in church…boom, your arm goes up. Marathon runners cross the finish line with both arms raised celebrating the glory, showing a symbol of mastering mind over matters.
Its is the mind that matters in Love. Where do you place your mind? Daily we put our guard up as we prepare to tackle traffic jams, printer jams and co-worker jams. Co-worker jam? Yeah, we all have them, the one co-worker who takes up more time than you wish, yet somehow their story continues to become your business. Why you? Because you have that light. You ever sit in the woods without bug spray? Not for long right? Bugs, flies and bees all find their way to you. I did some quick research this morning, a NYU report says…
Scientists have identified several proteins found in mosquitoes’ antennae and heads that latch on to chemical markers, or odorants, emitted from our skin. These markers are produced by the natural processes of our bodies and, like neon signs, they let the mosquitoes’ smell center know you’re around (though the process that then guides them to you is not well understood). Flies and mosquitoes share a number of the same genes that dictate production of these odorant-binding proteins, which have specific sites that will catch or bind with certain chemicals in the air. Some scientists suggest that certain characteristics attract mosquitoes, thereby leading us to have more bites than others. Some of the top candidates: the amount of carbon dioxide in the breath, pregnancy, body temperature, alcohol and odorant markers based on blood type.
I love science, it has always intrigued me. Yet, I'm also a believer of God. Can you find him in the paragraph above? Let me assist...
though the process that then guides them to you is not well understood
This small line of copy gives proof that your light can be seen, smelled and sensed by all creatures. What's the first song you remember learning in school about lights. "This little light of mine…" yeah, yeah…we all know the words. But why aren't we letting our lights shine? Why do we turn our backs to the world and covet our happiness, shield our joy? Why is it easy to spot a happy person? Because they light up the room when they walk in the door. But lets face it, we can't be happy every day. Or can we.
Whenever I leave the house I check for 3 things. Wallet, Keys and Phone. Once I feel the correct bulges in my pockets I type in my alarm and proceed. Yet on my door I have the serenity prayer. Some days I read it, some days I fly out of the house, hoping I can change the things that have an affect on me. Weird. In that pivotal moment of the day I chose to leave my light. Instead of checking for Attitude, mood and praise, I focus on gifts, triggers and clicks. Some of us take more than their wallet, keys and phone…(smile). On my way to work I often see this Georgia Tech student walking to class. This lean naturally curly haired lady walks at least 2 miles with her Back pack, lunch bag, purse and what I would hope is a workout bag. Daily she wears high heels and dresses fashionably well. She can only move about 20 steps a minute without shifting bags. On occasion I'll sit at a red light and see her face in the rear view mirror as she approaches the corner that leads into Tech. Her expression? Pure misery. Her make up and hair are all over the place, bags falling off her arms, rolling her ankles. Truly a sight to see. why? because her light wasn't packed, she left it at home, but brought all types of baggage with her.
At some point we all have to open our eyes to love and spread love. We have to raise our arms up and let the light shine. In our cubes, in our gym, in our churches. Interesting how we remember the times when we once held that light high. You know way back when we were the person bringing in the sunshine, like one of my favorite Jimmy Dean commercials. Shine on! Don't let the world take your light down. Stand on the podium for what you believe in. Be strong enough to leave the house with Joy, Faith and Peace, and if you need to bring your keys, wallet and phone…do so. One note before I close. In 1902 the statue of liberty stopped the lighthouse program because of funding. The American Electric Manufacturing Company decided that paying Albert E. Littlefield $1000 dollars per year to light the torch at dusk was expensive. IF you've ever climbed the Statue of Liberty you'd know how difficult that job was. During a time when electricity was for the rich and kerosene lamps lit most of New York City. Fortunately, Mr. Littlefield knew a few things about electricity. Just imagine his pride, having the ability to feed his family by lighting the torch for the world to see, turning on Freedom every night. You have that same freedom, you can choose to be in the shadows or you can choose to raise your arm high and let the world see your joy. Well, I guess we all can't go walking around with our arms in the sky. Yet somehow I believe that if mosquitos can find you, so can the rest of the world. Share your light so we can make a change. Be encouraged through your faith, do a simple concordance search in your book of praise for these words "You Are A Light" and let God lead you.
En peace.