Sunday, October 31, 2004

Hallow teen....

Growing up in Detroit, Michigan had its perks back in the '70s. African America was percolating with Bachelor Degrees. The Motor City was pumping out educated citizens in a pace that equaled the assembly line. Of course there were sections of town that had their rancid pride, but overall we had a great city. My cousins, grandmothers, and aunts/uncles all lived a bike ride away. My block was filled with children my age and often you couldn't walk a mile in both directions without seeing children in the street. Time stood still then. It would be pure fiction in the next century.

Devils night was the precursor to Halloween. It was a time when a boy had to defy his parents, and grow some courage to get even with the mean ol' man who protected his 12' foot square lawn with his shotgun. It was a time to egg the houses of the girls that never gave you the time of day. It was that special occasion to become...a man. We would set our digital alarm wrist watches to 1:00am. A time when most of our parents were knocked out. Sneaking out of the house wasn't a problem. We didn't have a dog and usually it was simple. Listen for the snores, if you hear two sets...the parents are at the drive-in dreamland. Usually we would stick to simple stuff. Toilet paper, throw the egg and run, and the "grass stomp". Of course we weren’t bad kids...we couldn't muster up enough balls to set a house on fire or put a banana in the tail pipe of our enemies...probably because we didn't have that much hatred in our souls. We never heard of war, never worried about gun crime because that was our parent’s obligation. The City of Detroit had a pact back then. When the streetlights came on the crime would begin. Simple. The city belonged to the Kids in the am and in the evening...Woodward squeaked and out came the freaks.

Halloween morning was usually cold and clammy. But there was one Indian summer that brought out 70-degree temps and provided all the kids with a glorious day of trick-or-treating. I was 12. I was able to Trick or treat without a parent present. I bought a mask and most of my friends had either a mask or some form of paint on their faces. We had a few tag-a-long brats that had to roll with us but we embarked on our mission just before dusk. Each of us carried a pillowcase or a hefty bag. We walked for miles...following the porch lights that lead us in to the Detroit night sky. Generosity filled the hearts of the entire city. Most children ended the night with so much candy that it became a burden to carry, so of course they called it a night. On the way back to our respective homes we cracked jokes, ate candy, and lived life free. Freedom was king back in those days. We were free to roam our streets. Free of the sick and twisted crimes of this 21st century. Of course we had to inspect the candy once we brought it home. Cup cakes, Fruit, Open packages...all went in the trash. This precaution was a glimpse of what would become Halloween...Caged kids without freedom.

Flashing forward, we find many Churches behind the demise of Halloween. Yet they manage to hold fall carnivals, Hallelujah festivals and Haunted Houses as a way to keep our kids safe. We no longer send our 12 year olds out into the night, expecting their return before 10:00. What a way to run our society. Take back our streets people. Why can't we trust our neighbors? Why can't we begin to live our life without fear? I realize that it is tougher conditions in our world. Yet I flash back to my days as a child. I walked to school, I walked to piano practice, I walked and my mind was free to wander. How many children walk. How many bright young minds are far beyond the latchkey of our multi-media? How many kids are becoming hollow minded and media guided. Lets turn back the clock on this Halloween and make this a time where we turn off the television and walk the streets.

En peace..trick o or die.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Bush vs. Kerry...

Ahh, Election day approacheth, and I am vexed on who to choose. While, my culture preaches that we should be ousting Bush, I am still a bit worried about the John Kerry Presidency. Why? Well at least I know what I am dealing with when it comes to W. I know that Bush has been in office for 4 years. I know that I am doing horrible with my portfolio, I know that I am stuck in a Money Pit of a Condo, and I also know that the price of Gas has risen from .82 to 1.82 in 4 years. I also realize that as a single brotha, I haven't had a tax break, continue to get reemed on SS and State/Govt income tax and I am not to happy about my Student Loan. But, the good news is, I don't have to worry about behind the back politics.

I know what I know. The funny thing about Bush's politics is that you get what you expect. IF you expect George Bush to hand over Big Business on a silver platter you are wrong. If you expect George Bush to provide you with a office instead of that stuffy cube you are wrong. But what you can expect from George and his gang is consistancy. Mediocre consistancy...hard core crime overseas, hellish senate battles. (Captian Hook Haliburton rules over the Senate you know.) Yet, one good thing I can say about Bush... George Bush aint no punk. The world realizes this...yet what do we see in John Kerry? A Plan for Minority Health? Energy Independence? Affordable Health Care for all? Strength and Security for a new world? Hold up JK. Hold on. This land is my land, this land is your land. Who are you trying to fool. How do you expect to push all of these plans past congress, past the senate and past the American People. It took George Bush 2.5 years to restructure the Clinton Govt. (Which was in power for 8 years.) So what makes this man think that he can accomplish this much? John Edwards is a rookie. Not to mention that there aren't to many Democratic front runners for Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Homeland Security etc... One thing I have learned in my travels is that Big Talk = Little action. An answer for everything = little action so, in most cases I have to be a bit weary of JK. (Also one thing to note: JK is worse than a rusted swing set...he does have a checkered past...up one minute down the next, on the democratic side, republican the next. Far from Liberal but not to far from the Right.)

More than likely JK will get my vote. After all, I would like to see Hillary Clinton become a cabinet member, I also have faith that the inner Hippie in JK will help the world understand that Americans aren't Cowboys, with 6 shooters on the side. But be careful. Write down JK's plans. Mark my words...not much will take place. Especially if we continue to focus on the Presidential race vs the Congressional and Senate races. ISnt this our most important choice. When you hit the ballots do we really know who our senator is? Are we really sure that our elected officials understand our demands, our fears, our pain.
How can a John Kerry or George Bush feel my pain. How can they understand the drama that we feel. It is one thing to live in a Big White House...But the world is technicolor and Rich White Men will never understand. 18-24 year olds who have been inspired to vote...will be confused when walking into the voting booth. They will punch their presidential ticket and get over anxious when faced with the remaining votes. Remember your first time? it was so sweet. There the ballot was so innocent so, beautiful, freedom was. But after that first punch came more choices. Unexpected names, laws, choices. Time was of the utmost importance...what was this. Voting became hard work. Not a glorious opportunity...Now what does the average person have to think about prior to hitting the voting booth. Social Security is not the biggest issue is it. Health Care really isn't the issue. Jobs could be an issue...but think about the Global picture.

Beheadings, High College Tuition, Africans with Aids, Global Warming, Global Waste, Space Waste, Kidde Porn, Prisoners vs Soldiers, Mental Health Care, Nuclear Korea, Russian Mafia, Middle Eastern Outsourcing, Big Business Corruption. Now these are some issues. Handle them George W. Handle them JK. One of you two will be in the trenches of our new world order. 3 days dictate the future of our World. Vote or die? Choose or loose? Debate if you must but one thing is for certain...Come January 2, 2005. A new world will begin. One of continued chaos or one of unexpected chaos. Select your candidates, gentlemen start your engine....The world is not ready for what comes next.

Meanwhile Sadam sits in jail, Osama sits in the mountains, and the crackhead/heroine addicts infest our suburbs. How sweet the sound of silence. O say can you the dawns early proud can you be of our country? We drop bombs on the poor we ignore the hungry. People are dying daily, and we worry about social security.

But aint that America, little pink houses for you and me...#$%@ your neighbor.

En Peace.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Falling out of love...and into the same ol rut...

No, I am not a love analyst. I am just a common brotha who tries to make it bigger than it should be. I want my work to be larger than life = work ethic. I have a love for humanity which = genuine nature. I am also a romantic = danger. Sure life can be described as a bowl of cherries. But somehow I manage to get the ripeones with the large pits. So, who cares. Perhaps I am just another ecentric guy who loves to express himself in words. Or perhaps I am just a sap who wastes his time (and money for that matter) on Trophy Women. Sure, I want a beautiful woman. I also want a wife. So, characteristically I am trying to help you understand the 35 single mans blues.

I am no punk. I can pull a woman without trying, in fact I often do it just to stay in practice. Yet, it gets boring after a while. You fall in "like" with a woman, and eventually you fall into that same ol rut. She becomes the one that you should let slip away. Funny how that sounds on paper. Slip away. Isn't that what people do on their death beds...slip away. Is it that I am slipping away in the dating game? Is the Atlanta Society my metaphorical death bed? Perhaps not. I just think that I am lazy. With the ATL's 10 women to every Man population I have grown rediculously lucky and lazy. But consider the odds. That data is a bit off. 10 women to every Man. Lets look at that a bit closer.

Atlanta has a relativly large gay population (=Bix and gay) so lets up that number to say 12 women to every man. Nope scratch that, you have to include the Nun/Bix/gay women. So lets just review the 10 women. (Women will be pissed at this next statement...i am sure,) 2 out of 10 women are my ideal mate, beautiful, wise, intelligent, in great shape and from wealthy parents. :) 1 out of 10 is that perfect ten, a single biracial beautiful woman looking for a husband, ripe for kids, $20,000 in her savings and a portfolio built for two. Yet 5 out of that 10 are bored, depressed, overworked women without a clue. So that leaves me with 2 out of that 10 who waiver between good looking/overly active and intelligent/ice cream eaters. This is usually the type of woman that I am attracted to. Ahhh, but there is this strange behavior that these women exhibit. Phychosis. They are crazy enough to think that they are either too good looking or too good for me. What type of stuff are they on? Ok, ok, before the She/man woman haters of america decide to attack my bloggs for life let me clear up a few things.

First, I am set in my ways a tad bit out of shape and expect nothing from my dates. I am a gentleman and somewhat of a scholar. One look at my sentence structure and grammar will tell you that I do not have a Masters in English. I love Women down to the core of their souls. I often end my relationships because I run. I fall out of love and into the same ol rut.
So, I have the problem. I repeat "Sheman!" I have the problem. I could settle for less. I could get in shape and find that top tier woman. In fact I could even stop being lazy get active and run into "Mrs. Right on Time". Why ask why when it is easier to fall into the same ol rut?

Rut: a track worn by a wheel or by a habitual passage. a usual or fixed practice. a monotonous routine. a groove in which something runs. OR the other definition: an annually recurrent state of sexual excitement in the male deer. Sexual excitement in a mammal (as estrus in the female) esp. when periodic.

The same ol rut.

That's right. Why not. Marriage is at an all time low. Do I sacrifice my freedom for a life of insanity. That is the question. Who ever made up the infamous "To be or not to be" quote wasn't kidding. To be sane or not to be sane. that is the question. So for those cats who like to ask me the Million$$$dollar question..."Why am I still single" here is my reply.

I never want to say these three words "MY EX WIFE".
I never want to perform these four words "CHEAT ON MY WIFE"
and lastly...

I enjoy my freedom of falling out of love...because this rut is eventually going to lead me to lover's lane.

Romantics fo life, tat that across your stomach.

En peace.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

A conversation with Carl pt 1

As I mentioned in my first blog, I have to give shout outs to my Brother Carl. He is a serious brain child of my two parents.
He has a sponge for a memory and obviously has an ear for music. Occasionally I will read his blogs to keep up with his educational pursuits. The message below is a response to his most recent posting: (checkout coliverblog)...

Mos Def and Talib Kweli CD reviews..
I would give MosDef's latest release a 3 (or what I would call Itunes Download) and I would give Talib's LP a 3 as well.
{1= Bootleg the singles, 2 = Dub it from your boy, 3 = Download it from Itunes, 4 = Buy it on Tuesday, 5 = Buy two copies on for your collection and another for your safe.}

Talib Kweli's beats are average, typical and status quo. Highlights are the tracks with MJB and Common (feat. Anthony Hamilton.) as usual this CD is a lyrical feast. But again, Talib still raps too fast and needs a producer who can match his lyrical skill set. Mos Def's LP is beyond average but too eclectic for the commercial disk dubbers chillin in High School. How can Mos compeat with Mannie Fresh? (Go Dj that's my DJ...yuck)...It will take a nation of millions to get the black back in rap. But I think there is a bigger picture that we must identify....Contracts, Colaboration and the Nov 2 Election.

There are a few items that we must consider when reviewing rap tracks. 1. Where does this artist stand in his/her contract. 2. What is the industry currently asking for (ie Song and Dance or Bently Bling).

In this case Talib Kweli has reached his Commercial Peak, where mos reached his peak during his duets with Bush Babies (his singing debut), Tribe Called Quest, and of course with Kweli (Black Star.) It would be my hope that Mos has decided to kick Geffen records to the curb after his contract is over. Geffen has plugged many Mc's and halted a few. The Roots can preach to you on that topic for sho. Yet Mos is a bit different. He uses 2 familiar tracks one from Nas and the other from Jay-Z. This is typical of the Funk Master Flex remix days...and I wouldn't doubt if he had these two jams on DAT waiting for the next album. Then lets look at the Black Johnson industry trick that has been used for decades...The phone call goes something like this.

"What up"
"Mos, whaz up black..."
"Yo, you got any tracks that I can use on my next Album?"
"Man, you know we are dropping in the Spring.."
"I don't care give me some of your rejects...I got to get out of this contract."
"Mos, you know I got your back, but I just can't give you my hot shit now."
"Cool, this is what well do, I take your leftovers and Geffen will pay you for production..."
"Bet, that's what I'm talkin' bout."
"But you got to do me one favor..."
"You have got to give me a 2:00 glide that I can roll wit."
"What's the theme?"
"Fuck you! Pay ME."
"That's whats up, I can dig it..."
"I figured it would be no problem."

The way I figure it, Mos is way too clever to release this LP as one of his best works. He'll wait for his independant release. Why give Geffen records platinum when he can drop classics on his own dime. Mos is indeed a profound rapper. His rhymes are top notch. Yet here is the key. Mos is just rambling about street lyrics. Kweli is just rambling about street lyrics. Both seem to be stacking chips..all the while, Hi-tek is in the lab brewing up some serious Black Star Stew. Lets all hope that these two men help bring us to the level of consciousness that we need. Especially after Bush's boys manage to steal this election again.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Designer Jeans?

I am a Broadcast Designer...I create Television for a living. It is a pretty cool job but it has an interesting set of hours. Usually I awake at 4:30am, Hit Snooze 3 - 4 times and finally awake to the hottest shower my skin can bare. I often decide what I am going to wear while I am in the shower. If I am running can bet I am wearing Jeans. If I have a presentation or am out of clean clothes I'll put on some Kakhi pants and a button down. Ok, so whats up with this blog. Is it all about the clothes? Well, I guess in a way it is. Some say that image is everything. Some say your are what you eat...but I have noticed that when you are neat you meet and great much better. (what a horrible line) Anyhow. The conceptual theories behind those who dress down vs those who are suited and booted are quite interesting. For example a woman in a Pant suit gathers more power/respect in Big Biznez than a Power Broker in a sun dress. Or how about the Mail room guy's shirt and tie spell broke and looking for a new job, as opposed to the corporate VP who prefers to go without the tie, starched and sportcoated, yet gets his hair cut 2 times a week. My question: Do the clothes that you wear really make the man?

I once dated a woman who was proud to deliver the following statement: "I have dressed many of men in Kenneth Cole and I am sure that I can find something for you." Now, I do like K Coles shoe collection. However his clothes are overpriced sloppy pattern rip offs. Yet most of your middle class suburbanites are sporting the button downs as if K Cole was actually a clothing company. Whoa nelly...pump your breaks. Here are the names of some reputable clothing lines: Eddie Bauer, Levis Straus, Ralph Lauren/Polo, and finally my all time favorite Van Heusen. Sure you have designer clothing that could be potentially better than the items mentioned above but for the bang for your buck dollar..I'm purchasing Van Heusen shirts 3 for $35 and a pair of Levis "Docker's" for $30 and I have a winter wardrobe. On the other hand, you could go into Bannan Republic and buy the tightest pants that your dime can afford, only 2 washes later you regret wearing those pants because all the gay men at work are starting to congregate around your cube.

Work attire should be exactly that, attire that you wear to work. Why aren't corporate companies allowing their work force to wear Sweats? Not the sweatshirt type but the Nylon type. A simple polo and a pair of nylon sweats allow everyone comfort and will also provide the company with a dressed down wardrobe. I often have to thank my lucky stars that my department is really relaxed. Designers can get away with just about anything...why, well we are artsy phartsy. So we get over when we can and we take over when needed. But the bottom line is this...Give me a good ol polo a pair of sandals and light blue jeans and I'll be the most productive employee in the building.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I am often confused by the way the body works. First you are sleepy (often after I eat) and then you awake. Energy rushes through your body and you are almost awakened by a force. So of course you get up. But what does one do when the rest of this hemisphere is sleeping? Well, I have come up with the best list, I call it the Insomniac's To do list...

1.) Wash out that nasty tub. (often Insomniacs refuse to clean up, but late night/early am is the best time to clean house.)
2.) Balance the Check book and align the budget.
3.) Watch Adult Swim with the mute button on and try to make up your own story.
4.) Organize your CD collection (alphabetically by Genre)
5.) Delete all of your unwanted emails and old files from your computer. Create new Blogs. (I am a suck up for that one.)
6.) Read the Bible...(you'll knock out instantly...)
7.) Wash clothes
8.) Cut your toe nails, polish your shoes, take a shower & change your sheets.
9.) Now that you have the washer running, a partially clean tub, clean the weather channel
10.) Calculate prime numbers with your eyes closed...

because tomorrow you are going to be one sleepy individual.

Peace for now World...I have to knock the @#$% out.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Day of the dawn

Thanks to my brother Carl for putting me down on this website.