Joke: How do you make a black man run away and a Mexican run to you? Hold up a Help wanted sign.
Horrible joke. but it tells the tale of our current situation. Black men are under attack. Silent killers within the media, the government and yes even in our school systems have placed stereotypical icons in our new millennium mindsets. These icons are of gangstas and gays. Gone are the days of businessmen and hard workers, gone are the echoes of slavery and oppression. We have made it to the equal rights era. We are all equal, no longer are we the minority, in fact try it...hold up a help wanted sign...and watch who'll come running. 1905 a black man with a family of four would have jumped at $5.00 and hour and become a millionaire within 4-5 years. Without providing hook-ups and hand me downs. But our gangstas and grim reefers are dropping it like its hot in order to make a buck. Just like the Blackfaced idiots used to do around the turn of the 20th century. Sure we have our secrets, we love to keep it crunk in the club. But our motto, "What goes on in the cut, stays in the cut" is now the theme for Las Vegas. Paris Hilton has become the "sistah girl" and has been accepted in the hip-hop community. Now it is ok for her to reference black men as "that's my niggah" or "he's a dumb niggah" (disclaimer: that's N, i, double g, plus ah, not to be confused with nigger.) Black men where are you? How can you stand for this shit. Damn, I was blind...and now I see. Y2k shook our mental states. Money is tight, bush is back in office (note the lowercase) and our Prison rates are higher. I wonder if Puffy knew that Vote or Die meant, vote for the Judge who will send our black-asses to jail by voting democratic. I wonder if the same rumors about he and half of the Hip-Hop community having orgies and duck sick parties are true. I would say no. But where is NAACP when we have an outright GAY blackman keepin' it real and representing the "real world" on TV? Maybe that is why brotha Kwesi decided to take a break...get out of the NAACP, meanwhile his son continues to produce music vid-i-hoes. I am the same brotha who just sent a email to one of my boys of a Naked Black woman. I am sure that she loves company, and enjoys a nice bottle of Crystal or Moet in order to get her in the mood. But does that make me lesser of a Black man to enjoy the vision of a Beautiful Black Woman...Sure does. I see, The state of the Blackman is not only our plight, it is our races obligation. The way I see it we are 10-15 years away from extinction...or better yet....Are our inner cities just economic plantations/reservations? I wonder why Native Americans have Casinos on their fact, why are so many cities featuring legalized gambling? Oh snap! We are under the way I just won my Fantasy Football need to give me props...I took all of their money in one big swoop. Just like the crap games in college...oh but that is under the table...lets keep that on the, not the DL, how about we keep that between me and, I can't keep secrets anymore because that wouldn't be honest...I have to represent for the 10% of us niggah's who aint on the DL, droppin' it like its hot, pimpin' our community holding Moet parties with Radio-One. ($150 VIP around back) Who can stand it. Being black is fun. I love it. I can get the hook-up for anything, anywhere...sure I can even get you a Plasma screen for the "low, low" just be sure to hollar at me when you get your next check. My boy has the hook up on the DVD's and CD's too.
Black is beautiful, Black is Powerful, Are we black enough for what we screamed during our sit-in at the MSU administration building. We fought for our rights. Black American Youth, we had power, we had solidarity and we were the future...15 years later, most of us are driving foreign vehicles, in our $200, 000 homes, hoping to raise our children without a vision of our current state of affairs. No TV for you tonight little Grayson. That is rated TV-M and you can't watch that show. What am I do we know what is on TV? We just focus on the subject at hand...$$$$$$$$$$$. What am I going to get her for her Birthday, What do the kids need for Christmas, How are we going to get by without School Clothes, I need a new suit and shoes for next weeks party...The State of the Black Man. Some of us are better off dead. Some of us are walking dead. Some of us are dead as a doornail...but the majority of us are just simply dead wrong.
for example look at this email that I received today regarding S. Williams (note it is a hoax but who writes this shit?)
Russ Parr interview with Serena Williams
Ms. Williams we are all interested in your new boyfriend.
-There is no new boyfriend. I stopped playing with boys when I stopped dating black guys. I have a new man in my life and yes, he's white.
So you prefer to date white men instead of black guys?
-Let's be real. If you are a successful black female you only have two outside of your race or date other successful black females.
Are you saying there are no successful black men to date?
- Of course not but lets face it, if Oprah would date outside of her race she would be married with children now. The state of most black men is so low the only thing you can do is love them. Like a poor homeless dog.
You can't expect it to protect you. You can only offer shelter and love and watch as our neighbor's pitbull protects his home and family. I, unlike Oprah, am not forced to stay within those boundaries. I was born into a new generation of black women.
So Oprah is being forced to date Stedman?
- All I can say is when you find a successful black women who is not married and does not have children it is because they refuse to accept the two choices. Some may go as far as marriage to a black guy but they realize divorce is inevitable so they do not have children. Or they have children with one and don't marry in order to preserve their wealth and good credit.
Oprah is one of many who silently protests being stuck with such poor choices by refusing to marry and reproduce but you can see how much it hurts her. She's always giving away money to children's charities. I hope she makes the choice to marry a non-black soon so she can have a child of her own.
But you have decided to accept the two choices?
- Yes. I grew up in California around the two extremes of wealth. If I could only get myself to try the bisexual thing I would have been much happier in my relationships. Instead I dated black men. I loved many of them but they were just not suitable for marriage. Many of them were raised by women and had warped mentalities. So I finally had to date outside my race. When I moved to Miami, I accepted my status and dated men on my level.
What do you mean by warped mentalities?
- Well, where do I begin? Many of them were raised predominantly by women and had this feminine/bisexual complex. Where they wanted to be treated like a female sometimes. For example, I would have the money & they would have the sex. I would teach them things. You know, all the things a woman likes a man to do, I would end up doing for them. Then if we would get into an argument, there would be a role reversal. All of a sudden, they would be the man wanting the respect of a king in his castle. Black men over the years have become less and less of value to black women both rich and poor. I predict in 10 years they will be obsolete. Now they serve little to no function and what little they can do, they don't want to do.
Why 10 years?
- That's when going to a fertility clinic to get impregnated by a sperm donor will become as common and accessible as the flu shot. Women who want sex will do it with whoever they want ( girl, guy, rich, poor, white,black) and go to the bank (the sperm bank) when they are ready to have children. Even those who waited (like Oprah) will have fertilized eggs placed in Vitro. That's the day the secret organization of women is waiting for. The day when men are 100% dis-empowered.
Are you apart of that organization?
- No. They're a mostly white group. Plus that day for black men is practically here already. Black women are already raising 75% of the black population without a man. When fertility clinics become more affordable.
Black women will be standing in line. It will be just like plastic surgery.
Everyone laughed at Michael Jackson but its becoming so popular now, that even poor blacks are getting work done...mostly breast reductions and liposuction.
So do you want men to be dis-empowered?
- Heck, no! That's why I am with a white man now. I want a man to be a man and I am not going to settle for less just to stay within racial boundaries.
A Black man in my position wouldn't do it so why should I. Don't get me wrong, I love black men. My father is black, I have dated black men all my life, and if I have a male child he will be part black. But my husband and I will raise him together so hopefully he will be a worthy choice for a worthy black female. Not the only choice, or "there's nothing better out there so I'll settle for this" choice. When you are successful you want the best. The best food, clothes, places to live etc. I want the best man also.
And you think the best man is a non-black man?
- I think if there's a better choice for me, God would have shown me. I am in the public so I get to meet lots of people from all over the world athletes, celebs etc.I am wealthy so I am invited and have traveled to the most prestigious events all over the world. Out of all those people, places and events....I had to choose the right man for me. Like it or not with very few exceptions) a white man is the only real choice for a successful black female.
Tiger Woods: Married to the Mob, OJ and Michael: Married to the Mob, Bill Cosby: Money from the Mob...Who releases Fat Albert in the 21st century and then complains about our race in the same breath...Hey, Hey, Hey...I-mba, gonna det dat dough. Oprah: Complainin' Mobsta....get the picture. The rich get rich while the poor get the door. But please keep donating money to the HBCU's HARPOON. I see Tom Joyner wants to join the gang...blackfaced AM shows on the radio..."Y'all rememba when we used to reach in the jar and grab dem pig feets?" What the hell are we dooing. Spike where are you man...Whoops he's courtside making movies with guess who: The Mob.
En peace.